Causes / Why Real Food

Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide—Featuring the Darth Vader Chemical

This interview was conducted after the Jeffrey Smith, Institute for Responsible Technology event in Concord , MA. Jeffrey interviews Stephanie Seneff, PhD, MIT Professor and Researcher about why the chemical(s) in Monsanto’s product Roundup are so very dangerous.   To visit the Institute for Responsible Technology,  Click here Continue reading

Why Fermented Vegetables?
Musings / Why Real Food

Why Fermented Vegetables?

Because you need to get a little lacto-fermented acid each day! What are lacto-fermented vegetables?  Keep reading! Back before modern canning and refrigeration, lacto-fermented vegetables were a common staple in traditional diets.  The enzymes created during the process keep the vegetables alive all winter long.  Lacto-fermented veggies help you digest other foods, add enzymes to … Continue reading