
with_sheepKristin Canty is the Director/Producer of Farmageddon; The Unseen War on American Family Farms.  She is a first-time film maker, small farm advocate, fresh milk drinker and a mom.  One of her children was ridden with multiple allergies and asthma as a pre-schooler, and when medications couldn’t help him, she found that raw milk helped him recover.

Since then, she has tried to buy most of her family’s food directly from local, organic farms. When Kristin learned that farmers and co-ops all over the country were increasingly getting raided by the government, she set out to  make a film about it. She hopes that when people see it, it can change the tide of public pressure so that our government stops harassing and adding costly burdens to our small, organic farmers. Kristin lives in Concord, Massachusetts with her husband, four children, two dogs , two cats and 11 chickens.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Kristin,
    I just saw your movie farmagaddon. It is very true and very tobthe point. The same issues are happening in Canada too. I have been in nor th america for the past 15 years and I tell yoi that I do not drink milk anymore or any dairy product since I came in to N.A. the reason is very simple: nothing tasts true. Milk tastes like water, cheese no smell no tast. The same is with our fruits. Not take a lot of your time.. I guess your documentary shoukd be aired at least once every quarter to give people the urgency to come together and fight for decent nutritional full organic food. No more lab meat veggiies and fruits.

    Thank you
    Gid bless

  2. Your Farmageddon website does not allow the “Contact” page to come up. I want folks in my area to see this film as it is a depiction of the way things have been heading for a very long time. We are on a brink that needs us to back into reality of our health and lives lest our beings are forced to leap over it’s edges.
    Please respond!
    Marja Sepers.

    • Weird…If you go to “view the movie” it should show you all of the places to see it
      you can get it for free on Netflix if you have that, ITunes, Amazon.com, and many more

  3. Hi Kristin

    Your research does not surprise me. I’m particularly angry at Monsanto and their collusion with government. Prop 37 in California didn’t pass because Monsanto spent millions on propaganda ads. It is a civil right to know what’s in our food supply. It’s work to find tortilla chips that aren’t from Bt toxin GMO corn.

  4. Heard you on coast to coast last night – am looking for that guide you talked about to find healthy food while traveling – you said it was on your website but I can’t find it! Please help. Thanks

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