Musings / Why Real Food

Why I don’t eat GMO food

The following post is a very simple explanation.  For a deeper understanding of the dangers of genetically modified foods, please watch the movie Genetic Roulette, The World According to Monsanto, or Seeds of Deception.   You can also read the resources at the end of this post.

When scientists, who are proponents of GMO foods, explain why GMO’s are safe, they usually say that we have been genetically modifying foods for thousands of years and so humans have been consuming genetically modified foods safely for generations.  They may also point out that there are millions of genes, and that modifying just one gene could not possibly make a difference.

However, there is more to it than that.  Today’s genetically modified foods aren’t what they used to be.  It is true that farmers have been genetically modifying their crops since farming began.  They take the plants that survive best in their conditions, and cross breed them with other seeds that survive well, creating various kinds of fruits and vegetables that are strongest for their soils and weather conditions.

The transgenic crops that farmers are growing today are completely different.  They are using biotechnologically created seeds.  Crops from these seeds, namely soy, corn, cotton, canola and sugar beets, have one or two characteristics.  They are either Roundup ready, or herbicide resistant, or, they may be pest resistant.

Herbicide resistant crops have a gene in them that is resistant to the herbicide Roundup.  The same company that makes Roundup, Monsanto, also produces these Roundup ready crops.  These crops are sprayed with massive amounts of Round up, and they don’t die.  Any weeds growing around these plants do die.

The pest resistant crops, also created by Monsanto, kill insects when they try to infest the plants.  The chemicals cause the insects’ stomachs to explode.

Although the government hasn’t performed studies to show whether or not these crops are safe, they are in our food supply.  Many scientists and consumer advocacy groups have come forward, especially lately, as this infestation and deregulation of these crops has become worse.  These scientists and advocacy groups have studies that show that these plants are not safe.  The government insists that GMO plants are the same as conventional plants, and that produce and products made with these plants don’t need special labels.  The government argues that GMO labels would convey to the public that they are unsafe.

You can make your own decision, although the government does not want these foods labeled and so they don’t think that you should be able to make your own decision.  To stay away from GMO foods, just in case….you can buy organic.  By law, any foods that are labeled organic do not have GMO crops in them.   There is also a free APP produced by the Non GMO Project that you can download onto your phone to help you navigate the supermarket.  You need to be careful.  Unfortunately, the big food companies are allowed to use the words “natural,” “nature” “pure” on foods that contain GMO crops.

Here is a list of companies that fought against the labeling of GMO’s in California, and who I am currently boycotting:


One thought on “Why I don’t eat GMO food

  1. Pingback: What is GMO and Why Is It Important You Know? | Renee Chase

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